Reports (321)

  • Damaged Public Property

    5411 Geary Blvd

    Paid by phone

    OPEN #101000727747
  • Damaged Public Property

    2774 San Bruno Ave

    Meter screen not working

    OPEN #101000726991
  • Damaged Public Property

    5411 Geary Blvd


    OPEN #101000726935
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Geary Blvd, 2 Nd Ave

    Customer would like to report this meter. Customer states I put 3 quarters in the meter and it did not register any time. The screen is blank.

    OPEN #101000726928
  • card reader broken

    OPEN #101000726546
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Sacramento St, Spruce St

    caller states she have try several credit card on show fail and the other show processing and not time given

    OPEN #101000726506
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Sacramento St, Larkin St

    Customer states "the ok button does not work when paying credit card. Customer did not try to use to pay coins. Customer also states that she was trying to extend her time limit using pay by phone (CSR advised customer that there is a time limit to park in the area and the pay by phone will not extend that if the time limit was reached and she would need to move her car).

    OPEN #101000726311
  • Damaged Public Property

    1257 Jackson St

    ATT panel on sidewalk pulled out and wires exposed

    OPEN #101000726114
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection 7 Th St, Mission Bay Dr

    The stop light is stuck on red. Nobody can move and traffic is backing up.

    OPEN #101000725699
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Union St, Webster St

    caller states she use pay by phone and the meter is not working .

    OPEN #101000725497



Ticket Type

  • Damaged Public Property (Remove)